To enforce ASD Sport Compass missions and ambitions, the club has made an effort since its recent launch – to engage in regional sponsoring and European grant design, within its scope of interest.
Such enabled to deploy various projects and activities, as listed here below:
The Sport Club’s first succes within the field of fundraising was in 2021 the grant of a local foundation “Fondazione Banco di Sardegna”. The proposal, titled “Per un Mare di Inclusione” (For a Sea of Inclusion) aimed at extracting the inclusive potential of sailing practice by engaging groups of people with and without intellectual disabilities in the joint practice of sailing. In detail, “Per un Mare di inclusione” project focused on the Social Inclusion through Boating and Sailing.
The project had the objective to involve youngsters and promote their growth in a different environment: a sailboat where young people could learn and share the same rules and values. The project brought people with and without intellectual disabilities together “in the same boat” to admire and at the same time experience the transformative power of sport.

In 2022, ASD Sport Compass was involved as partner in a successful Erasmus+ Big Collaborative Partnership: “Get into the Game”.
Get In The Game (GITG) aims at raising awareness about sport opportunities for young girls and to train teachers and coaches to provide more inclusive, egalitarian, and engaging sports activities. The project is a transnational cooperation effort including NGOs, Sport organizations, Schools and Federations established in national realities characterized by a peculiar yet interrelated condition in youth wellbeing and sports.
The Sport Club was granted to be coordinator for the project “Cineforum”, a KA2 Adults involving 4 partner organisations. By implementing the ‘CINE-forum’ project through with the use of non-formal education, aiming to raise awareness about a variety of topics through cinema and debate activities.
Through the projects’ implementation Two main objectives are to promote the benefit of film as a non-formal- education tool among educators in order to stimulate the sense of thinking and initiative of adult learners; stimulate adults people sense of thinking about some social topics, with the final aim of stimulating them to take actions from which the communities they live in can benefit.