The Waves of Change
Through this staff mobility project, we harness the power of sailing to champion education and address crucial social and cultural issues. Sailing serves as our invaluable educational tool, nurturing essential life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, navigation, safety, responsibility, and environmental consciousness, and can be powerful and transformative.

In recognising the pressing challenges of mental health and addiction recovery, especially prevalent in our Sardinian community, ASD SC is dedicated to making a positive impact. Our project seek to achieve three key objectives:
- Understanding Mental Health and Addiction Recovery: We strive to gain profound insights into individuals’ challenges in their mental health and addiction recovery journeys, forming the foundation for effective and empathetic support strategies.
- Developing Practical Skills for Community Programs: ASD is committed to empowering our staff with practical skills and knowledge to organise impactful community programs, specifically addressing drug and alcohol abuse and mental health issues. Sailing emerges as a powerful and efficient tool in this endeavour.
- Building International Relationships: Collaboration knows no borders; we aim to foster international relationships with organisations dedicated to mental health and addiction recovery, believing that collective efforts transcend boundaries and lead to more comprehensive solutions.
Join us on this journey as we navigate for improved mental health and addiction recovery within our community.
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Cinéforum pour l’autonomisation de l’éducation
ASD Sport Compass est fier d'assumer le rôle de coordinateur du projet ERASMUS+ « Cineforum », exploitant le pouvoir du film comme outil d'éducation non formelle. Notre mission est d'inspirer les éducateurs et les apprenants adultes, en favorisant la pensée critique et l'action sur les questions sociales et environnementales.
Promouvoir la réflexion et l’initiative
À travers « Cineforum », nous promouvons le cinéma en tant que support éducatif transformateur, stimulant la réflexion et l’initiative. En explorant des histoires captivantes, nous suscitons des discussions qui remettent en question les normes et encourageons les participants à faire une différence dans leurs communautés.
Conduire le changement social
À travers « Cineforum », nous promouvons le cinéma en tant que support éducatif transformateur, stimulant la réflexion et l’initiative. En explorant des histoires captivantes, nous suscitons des discussions qui remettent en question les normes et encourageons les participants à faire une différence dans leurs communautés.